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Funeral Service

Obituary of Gerry Batey
Eva “Gerry” Batey
1930 - 2023
(As prepared by Gerry in 2014 – she wanted to tell her own story and prepared this write up herself)
Eva Margery “Gerry” Batey was born on December 28, 1930, at the Macklin Hospital to her parents, Jack and Cora Batey. Going home from the hospital, according to dad, things were going pretty fair but for the first few weeks I was getting my days and nights twisted. Nothing like starting your life off with a bang, eh? Things began to get better by June of 1931. Mom and I motored to a town 69 miles away to help dad umpire the first baseball tournament of the season. Big help we’d be…
My growing years were filled with lots of fun, love, understanding, and guidance from both parents, which was much appreciated in my later years. Being in the 30’s it was hard for everyone to live through the dirty, dusty winds, draught, and much depression. As a child, I did not realize what my parents were going through trying to make ends meet but they were always there for me when I needed them.
My fun times were happy ones. Lots of birthday parties to go to, getting ready for Christmas and Santa Clause. I especially enjoyed writing letters to him telling him where I lived and leaving a list a mile long of the things I wanted. Oh yes, don’t forget the cookie and glass of milk which you knew you had to set out and they would be gone by the next morning. Then, Easter was on the way so before going to bed, one window had to be left open so Ma Rabbit could get in. My goodness how times have changed – but oh what fun I had.
Next came summer and so many chores for me to help dad with. We would take my wagon with containers to bring home nice soft water for washing clothes each Monday morning. Winter was the same procedure, only lots of snow was carried into the kitchen and into a barrel. Now all we need to do is turn the tap – how lucky can one be? Planting potatoes at garden time was another duty. Dad would make the hole to drop each seed which was my job. I thought I was really helping. When my back was turned, dad would quickly set them right, I had put them in wrong side up.
Growing up I had my pets too. I enjoyed all of them – first was a black and white terrier, then I had three cocker spaniels. All were very easy to train and soon became one of the family.
Time for me to start school. I started when I was 6 years old. My schooling was all taken at Macklin. I was involved in starting M.H. 20 Club in my high school years, this club dealt with all the activities of a high school student. After completing my schooling, I entered the Marvel Beauty Salon in Saskatoon. I remained there until the course ended. In 1952, I entered the public service becoming an employee of the Federal Post Office, now Canada Post. This employment was due to the retirement of Mrs. Madeline Thompson. My career in this area was most enjoyable. I’m so proud and happy I was able to serve the people of the town I grew up in.
In 1960, I was initiated into the Order of Eastern Star, of which I’m still a member. During these years, I have filled many offices and have enjoyed the journey through them so much. I’m also a member of Grace United Church here at Macklin having taken part in the Chair as well as Sunday School and other church activities.
In March of 1990, I retired from the Postal Service after 28 years in the office here. This journey was most enjoyable, and many changes were made to the you have today. I remain in Macklin and live on the same street where my life started.
I keep busy with my knitting and making slippers, toques, and some mitts. I also crochet afghans. These items are all made to go in Christmas boxes going to needy ones. I do volunteer work as well, this being Meals on Wheels. I’m the only volunteer left doing this from the start of the organization.
Over the years I have done a lot of traveling and have seen many lovely places. I love to fly so my favorite is always going to Hawaii. I have been there many times. Bus tours have also been made and seeing Eastern Canada, England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Germany, Italy, and so many lovely places.
As I now look back on my past, I know I have been a pretty lucky girl. I can imagine the many hardships my parent must have had to endure in those years, never once did I ever hear them complain and each day was always filled with much joy and happiness. We were not a wealthy family by any means, but there was always food on the table, clean and warm clothing to wear in the winter, and a big welcome to all who came to visit.
They have made up so much in other ways and for this, I’m truly proud and honored to have had them for my parents.
For those of you who are able to join in my memorial service, please accept my sincere thank you for sharing in my memory. It was nice of you to take part in this day.
Sincerely, Gerry
A Funeral service for Gerry will take place on Thursday, February 9, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church in Macklin, Saskatchewan with Reverend Greg Parker officiating. For those travelling from Alberta, please allow for one hour time change.

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