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Tribute Wall
Funeral Service
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Metiskow Community Hall
Metiskow, Alberta, Canada
Due to poor cellular service and internet connection, Aletha's service could not be live streamed. A recording of the funeral was taken and will be available to view on the GFH website tomorrow, Thursday, April 20, 2023

Myrna Mackey posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
I am so sorry I can’t be with you for Aletha’s service. She was one of my oldest friends. We grew up across the field from each other. She always had time for a phone call or a chat. I will try and find the service online. My deepest sympathy to you all.
Bart Hodgins posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
My deepest sympathies to the Maull family.
Many fond memories of Aletha come to mind when I think of the trips and family gatherings at the Ranch when we were kids. We always looked forward to seeing Ralph and Aletha every November when we came to pickup our 4-H calves.
The summers I spent working at Black Creek will always be some of my fondest and most treasured memories. Aletha’s warmth and her joyful chuckles will always be how I remember her.
Brad Hodgins posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Our thoughts are with all of Aletha’s immediate & extended family.
Aunt Aletha’s kindness will be remembered and missed. Her phone calls, letters and cards were always filled with family news. Aunt Aletha’s thoughtfulness kept everyone in touch even though life has scattered us around the province.
I have fond memories of visiting & staying at the farm as a boy & will keep these memories as treasures.
Farewell Auntie Aletha. Peace be with you.
Brad Hodgins & family
The family of Aletha May Maull uploaded a photo
Monday, April 17, 2023

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Marion Abbott pledged to donate to Metiskow Cemetery
Monday, April 17, 2023
Donation in memory of Aletha Maull from Marion Abbott and family
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Marilyn Pritchard posted a condolence
Sunday, April 16, 2023
To all of Aletha's family
I send our deepest condolences on her passing. We all have very fond memories of her visits here to Ontario and of our trip out West to visit her and her family a few years ago. I know my Mother Audrey treasured their time spent together. Hold all of your wonderful memories close at this difficult time.
Take care
Marilyn Pritchard and Family
Dawn & Warren posted a condolence
Saturday, April 15, 2023
Sincere sympathy wishes to the Maull KIDS, spouses and families on the passing of your mom and grandma.
Memories of Aletha: She was born to be a farmer. As a young girl on the family farm she learned to drive tractors, drive and ride horses and enjoyed working outside beside her dad - Hilson. Always a friend to baby animals and/or small animals. She married a farmer and continued to enjoy working and living the farm life. She knew how to drive equipment in the fields and raised four kids while keeping a big garden, had cows to milk and chickens to attend to. Always looking after her lawn, flowers and fruit trees. You could find small animals or babies on her doorstep who needed love and attention. Aletha lived a courageous life right to the end. She will be missed by many - especially for her letters, cards and phone calls. Hugs to all.
Uncle Warren and auntie Dawn.
Brenda Robinson posted a condolence
Saturday, April 15, 2023
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Auntie was a loving caring person with a kind word and welcome for all. She will be missed.
She is now in a place where she is pain free and able to watch over those she loves
Love Blair, Brenda and family

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PO Box 1079
5135 52nd St
Provost, AB T0B 3S0
Proudly Serving the Communities of Macklin, Provost, Cadogan, Ribstone, Chauvin, Metiskow, Czar, Hughenden, Amisk, Consort, Denzil, Luseland and Senlac.